Electric Guitar
Get ready to take your playing to absolutely unimaginable new heights! Beginner to pro, whatever your genre,
these dynamic lessons will be as inspiring as they are challenging. Students will learn countless unique and
time-tested strategies that will take them from jamming in the bedroom to the bright lights of the stage
faster than an Yngwie Malmsteen solo. Lessons begin with a thorough review of the basics; a great foundation
for starters and a perfect refresher for those with experience. We spend a great deal of time studying technique.
We follow the posted Daily Practice Routine and Lesson Syllabus with a combination of Videos, PDF files,
and interaction through the forums, email and phone support.
Dedicated students will progress into a thorough exploration of picking techniques, chords, scales, arpeggios and the best systems for applying
these concepts. Dreams of playing smooth fusion licks, sweeping lightning-quick arpeggios and rapid-fire
staccato chicken pickin' are well within your grasp, if you are willing to do the necessary work!
Acoustic Guitar
Students will understand what makes guitarists like Christopher Parkening and Andres Segovia
true masters of the instrument. The skills developed in these lessons can also translate quite
well when playing and composing other genres of music.
There are two principal types of acoustic guitar: steel string and nylon string.
These instruments are used extensively throughout the wonderful world of music. Whether your taste is
for the Blues or Classical, Pop or Flamenco, even the hardest Hardcore Metal, rest assured there is a
place for acoustic guitar! The absolute best thing about all of this is that these lessons provide
students an unbeatable education of all things acoustic. Students will become immersed in the various
attributes of picking patterns, strumming, timing, chords, scale systems, arpeggios, ear training,
and composition. So if you are looking to master the sharper, more twangy sounds of a steel string,
or prefer the smooth, mellow romanticism of a nylon string, pbguitarstudio.com is the gateway to a
lifetime of acoustic bliss!
Ever since Robert Johnson mastered his craft at The Crossroads, ever since Django Reinhardt ripped
through his first gypsy standard, the realm of music was turned upon its ear. Soon, Bob Dylan was
strumming along while making Earth-shattering statements, Hank Williams lamented about a tear in his beer,
and the Eagles enticed us with debauched tales regarding a particular "hotel." Today, we have acoustic wizards
who dazzle us with multiple finger-tapping capability and the most insane percussive techniques.
So who's next? Are you willing to give it a try? There are countless stories waiting to be shared through the
beauty, magic and intensity of the acoustic guitar, and there is no better place to start in the galaxy than right here!
So why does one strive to master the guitar? Well, for a great deal of aspiring musicians, the ideal goal is simple:
to write the ultimate song! For others, creating or joining a groundbreaking, revolutionary band would be the
equivalent of heaven on Earth. Most guitarists aim to both, and in order to even attempt such magnificent feats,
one must learn a thing or two about musical communication. An author uses words to share thoughts, make a statement,
tell a story, and get a point across to the reader. Musicians use standard musical notation and tablature (TAB)
to do the exact same thing, and what better way for strummers and shredders to undertake such endeavors than by
diving right in to a Songwriting Workshop! The ways to notate musical notes and chords that are specific to guitar,
and also show players which fingers to use when fretting a note or picking a string, are best shown through TAB,
which is written on 6 (or 7, or 8 - depending on the number of guitar strings) horizontal lines. However,
standard musical notation, written on horizontal lines called "clefs," is a much more visible technique which
allows musicians to decipher the timing, duration, rhythm, even volume of notes for multiple instruments.
Would you like to make an actual living playing guitar? Then you definitely need to become a master of musical
communication. Let pbguitarstudio.com show you the way!
Electric Bass
That's right! Why stop at 4, or 5, when you can get 6 strings on that bass guitar? Everything will be just fine,
because beginners and professional musicians alike will certainly benefit from our one-of-a-kind approach
to the 6 string bass. After a comprehensive review all the fundamental techniques of 6 string bass playing,
students will acquire a thorough understanding and learning of notes on the fretboard, whether it is fretted
or fretless. By studying concepts such as various scaletone systems, bass chord pattern diagrams for all
important bass chord arpeggios, and rhythmic patterns, the player will recognize all relationships and
intervals from string to string and throughout the fretboard. Seriously folks, in the field of bass education,
the methodology taught on this site is absolutely unprecedented and unparalleled. If you are serious in your
quest to master the behemoth commonly known as the 6 string bass, you owe it to yourself to bring your playing
to the next level and check out these lessons. Before you know it, you will be creating monster bass lines that
will make master bassists like Michael Manring, Flea and Les Claypool blush in unbridled amazement!